AnimationController Class Reference

#include <AnimationController.h>

Inheritance diagram for AnimationController:

# Public Member Functions

void constructor ()
 Class' constructor.
bool play (const AnimationFunction *animationFunctions[], const char *animationName, ListenerObject scope)
void playAnimationFunction (const AnimationFunction *animationFunction, ListenerObject scope)
bool replay (const AnimationFunction *animationFunctions[])
void pause (bool pause)
void stop ()
 Stop any playing animation if any.
bool updateAnimation ()
 Update the current playing animation if any.
bool isPlaying ()
bool isPlayingFunction (const char *animationName)
void nextFrame ()
 Skip the currently playing animation to the next frame.
void previousFrame ()
 Rewind the currently playing animation to the previous frame.
bool setActualFrame (int16 actualFrame)
int16 getActualFrame ()
int16 getActualFrameIndex ()
void setFrameDuration (uint8 frameDuration)
uint8 getFrameDuration ()
 Retrieve the duration in game cycles for each frame of animation.
void setFrameDurationDecrement (uint8 frameCycleDecrement)
uint8 getFrameDurationDecrement ()
void setAnimationCoordinator (AnimationCoordinator animationCoordinator)
AnimationCoordinator getAnimationCoordinator ()
const AnimationFunctiongetPlayingAnimationFunction ()
const char * getPlayingAnimationName ()
int32 getNumberOfFrames ()
bool isAnimationLooped ()

# Protected Attributes

AnimationCoordinator animationCoordinator
 Animation coordinator that syncs the animations with other animation controllers.
const AnimationFunctionanimationFunction
 Pointer to the current animation function being played.
int16 actualFrame
 The current frame of the playing animation function.
int16 actualFrameIndex
 The current frame index of the playing animation function.
uint8 frameDuration
 Number of game cycles that an animation frame persists.
uint8 frameDurationDecrement
 Decrement to frameDuration in each game cycle.
uint8 playing
 Flag that signals if playing an animation.

# Additional Inherited Members

- Private Member Functions inherited from ListenerObject
void constructor ()
 Class' constructor.
void destructor ()
 Class' destructor.
void addEventListener (ListenerObject listener, uint16 eventCode)
void removeEventListener (ListenerObject listener, uint16 eventCode)
void removeEventListeners (uint16 eventCode)
void removeAllEventListeners ()
 Remove all listener objects.
bool hasActiveEventListeners ()
void fireEvent (uint16 eventCode)
void sendMessageTo (ListenerObject receiver, uint32 message, uint32 delay, uint32 randomDelay)
void sendMessageToSelf (uint32 message, uint32 delay, uint32 randomDelay)
void discardAllMessages ()
 Discard all messages, both to be sent and to be received.
void discardMessages (uint32 message)
virtual bool onEvent (ListenerObject eventFirer, uint16 eventCode)
virtual bool handleMessage (Telegram telegram)
- Private Attributes inherited from ListenerObject
VirtualList events
 List of registered events.
int8 eventFirings
 Counter that keeps track of the number of fired events to prevent race conditions in nested firings.

# Detailed Description

Class AnimationController

Inherits from ListenerObject

Controls animations.

Definition at line 35 of file AnimationController.h.

# Member Function Documentation

# constructor()

void AnimationController::constructor ( )

Class' constructor.

Definition at line 28 of file AnimationController.c.

# getActualFrame()

int16 AnimationController::getActualFrame ( )

Retrieve the actual frame of the playing animation if any.

Actual frame of the playing animation if any

Definition at line 376 of file AnimationController.c.

# getActualFrameIndex()

int16 AnimationController::getActualFrameIndex ( )

Retrieve the actual frame index of the playing animation if any.

Actual frame index of the playing animation if any

Definition at line 383 of file AnimationController.c.

# getAnimationCoordinator()

AnimationCoordinator AnimationController::getAnimationCoordinator ( )

Retrieve the animation coordinator for this animation controller.

Animation coordinator for this animation controller

Definition at line 426 of file AnimationController.c.

# getFrameDuration()

uint8 AnimationController::getFrameDuration ( )

Retrieve the duration in game cycles for each frame of animation.

Definition at line 397 of file AnimationController.c.

# getFrameDurationDecrement()

uint8 AnimationController::getFrameDurationDecrement ( )

Retrieve the decrement to frameDuration in each game cycle for each frame of animation.

Decrement to frameDuration in each game cycle for each frame of animation

Definition at line 411 of file AnimationController.c.

# getNumberOfFrames()

int32 AnimationController::getNumberOfFrames ( )

Retrieve the number of frames in the currently playing if any

Number of frames in the currently playing if any

Definition at line 452 of file AnimationController.c.

# getPlayingAnimationFunction()

const AnimationFunction * AnimationController::getPlayingAnimationFunction ( )

Retrieve the animation function currently playing if any

Animation function currently playing if any

Definition at line 433 of file AnimationController.c.

# getPlayingAnimationName()

const char * AnimationController::getPlayingAnimationName ( )

Retrieve the animation function's name currently playing if any

Animation function's name currently playing if any

Definition at line 440 of file AnimationController.c.

# isAnimationLooped()

bool AnimationController::isAnimationLooped ( )

Check if the currently playing animation is looped or not.

True or false

Definition at line 464 of file AnimationController.c.

# isPlaying()

bool AnimationController::isPlaying ( )

Check if an animation is playing.

True if an animation is playing; false otherwise

Definition at line 287 of file AnimationController.c.

# isPlayingFunction()

bool AnimationController::isPlayingFunction ( const char * animationName)

Check if the animation whose name is provided is playing.

animationNameName of the animation to check
True if an animation is playing; false otherwise

Definition at line 294 of file AnimationController.c.

# nextFrame()

void AnimationController::nextFrame ( )

Skip the currently playing animation to the next frame.

Definition at line 307 of file AnimationController.c.

# pause()

void AnimationController::pause ( bool pause)

Pause or unpause the currently playing animation if any.

pauseFlag that signals if the animation must be paused or unpaused

Definition at line 192 of file AnimationController.c.

# play()

bool AnimationController::play ( const AnimationFunction * animationFunctions[],
const char * animationName,
ListenerObject scope )

Play the animation with the provided name from the provided array of animation functions.

animationFunctionsArray of functions where to look for the animation to play
animationNameName of the animation to play
scopeObject that will be notified of playback events
True if the animation started playing; false otherwise

Definition at line 65 of file AnimationController.c.

# playAnimationFunction()

void AnimationController::playAnimationFunction ( const AnimationFunction * animationFunction,
ListenerObject scope )

Play the animation defined by the the provided animation function.

animationFunctionAnimation function to play
scopeObject that will be notified of playback events

Definition at line 132 of file AnimationController.c.

# previousFrame()

void AnimationController::previousFrame ( )

Rewind the currently playing animation to the previous frame.

Definition at line 331 of file AnimationController.c.

# replay()

bool AnimationController::replay ( const AnimationFunction * animationFunctions[])

Replay the last playing animation, if any, from the provided array of animation functions.

animationFunctionsArray of animation functions to look for the animation function to replay
True if the animation started playing again; false otherwise

Definition at line 163 of file AnimationController.c.

# setActualFrame()

bool AnimationController::setActualFrame ( int16 actualFrame)

Skip the currently playing animation to the provided frame.

actualFrameThe frame of the playing animation to skip to
True if the actual frame was changed; false otherwise

Definition at line 355 of file AnimationController.c.

# setAnimationCoordinator()

void AnimationController::setAnimationCoordinator ( AnimationCoordinator animationCoordinator)

Set the animation coordinator for this animation controller.

animationCoordinatorAnimation coordinator for this animation controller

Definition at line 418 of file AnimationController.c.

# setFrameDuration()

void AnimationController::setFrameDuration ( uint8 frameDuration)

Set the duration in game cycles for each frame of animation.

frameDurationDuration in game cycles for each frame of animation

Definition at line 390 of file AnimationController.c.

# setFrameDurationDecrement()

void AnimationController::setFrameDurationDecrement ( uint8 frameCycleDecrement)

Set the decrement to frameDuration in each game cycle for each frame of animation.

frameCycleDecrementDecrement to frameDuration in each game cycle for each frame of animation

Definition at line 404 of file AnimationController.c.

# stop()

void AnimationController::stop ( )

Stop any playing animation if any.

Definition at line 204 of file AnimationController.c.

# updateAnimation()

bool AnimationController::updateAnimation ( )

Update the current playing animation if any.

Definition at line 213 of file AnimationController.c.

# Member Data Documentation

# actualFrame

int16 AnimationController::actualFrame

The current frame of the playing animation function.

Definition at line 46 of file AnimationController.h.

# actualFrameIndex

int16 AnimationController::actualFrameIndex

The current frame index of the playing animation function.

Definition at line 49 of file AnimationController.h.

# animationCoordinator

AnimationCoordinator AnimationController::animationCoordinator

Animation coordinator that syncs the animations with other animation controllers.

Definition at line 40 of file AnimationController.h.

# animationFunction

const AnimationFunction* AnimationController::animationFunction

Pointer to the current animation function being played.

Definition at line 43 of file AnimationController.h.

# frameDuration

uint8 AnimationController::frameDuration

Number of game cycles that an animation frame persists.

Definition at line 52 of file AnimationController.h.

# frameDurationDecrement

uint8 AnimationController::frameDurationDecrement

Decrement to frameDuration in each game cycle.

Definition at line 55 of file AnimationController.h.

# playing

uint8 AnimationController::playing

Flag that signals if playing an animation.

Definition at line 58 of file AnimationController.h.

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