MBgmapSprite Class Reference

#include <MBgmapSprite.h>

Inheritance diagram for MBgmapSprite:

# Public Types

typedef const MBgmapSpriteSpec MBgmapSpriteROMSpec

# Public Member Functions

void constructor (Entity owner, const MBgmapSpriteSpec *mBgmapSpriteSpec)
override void releaseTexture ()
 Release the sprite's texture(s)
override int16 doRender (int16 index)
override void setMultiframe (uint16 frame)

# Protected Attributes

VirtualList textures
 List of textures to display.
uint16 textureXOffset
 Cache of the first texture x offest to speed up rendering.
uint16 textureYOffset
 Cache of the first texture x offest to speed up rendering.

# Additional Inherited Members

- Private Types inherited from BgmapSprite
typedef const BgmapSpriteSpec BgmapSpriteROMSpec
- Private Member Functions inherited from BgmapSprite
void constructor (Entity owner, const BgmapSpriteSpec *bgmapSpriteSpec)
override bool onEvent (ListenerObject eventFirer, uint16 eventCode)
override ClassPointer getBasicType ()
override void loadTexture (ClassPointer textureClass, bool listenForRewriting)
override bool hasSpecialEffects ()
override void processEffects (int32 maximumParamTableRowsToComputePerCall)
override void setRotation (const Rotation *rotation)
override void setScale (const PixelScale *scale)
override int32 getTotalPixels ()
void configureTexture ()
 Configure the sprite's texture.
void setMode (uint16 display, uint16 mode)
void setParam (uint32 param)
uint32 getParam ()
int16 getParamTableRow ()
void invalidateParamTable ()
 Force the rewrite of the sprite's param table during the next rendering cycle.
bool onTextureRewritten (ListenerObject eventFirer)
void applyAffineTransformations ()
 Start rewriting the sprite's param table for affine transformations.
void applyHbiasEffects ()
 Start rewriting the sprite's param table for hbias effects.
- Private Attributes inherited from BgmapSprite
int16 paramTableRow
 Offset that keeps track of where to continue writing in param table.
uint32 param
ParamTableEffectMethod applyParamTableEffect
 Pointer to function that implements the param table based effects.
BgmapTextureSource bgmapTextureSource
 Texture's configuration in BGMAP space.

# Detailed Description

Class MBgmapSprite

Inherits from MBgmapSprite

Can display various textures across multiple BGMAP memory segments.

Definition at line 62 of file MBgmapSprite.h.

# Member Typedef Documentation

# MBgmapSpriteROMSpec

A MBgmapSprite spec that is stored in ROM

Definition at line 51 of file MBgmapSprite.h.

# Member Function Documentation

# constructor()

void MBgmapSprite::constructor ( Entity owner,
const MBgmapSpriteSpec * mBgmapSpriteSpec )

Class' constructor

ownerEntity to which the sprite attaches to
mBgmapSpriteSpecSpecification that determines how to configure the sprite

Definition at line 44 of file MBgmapSprite.c.

# doRender()

int16 MBgmapSprite::doRender ( int16 index)

Render the sprite by configuring the DRAM assigned to it by means of the provided index.

indexDetermines the region of DRAM that this sprite is allowed to configure
The index that determines the region of DRAM that this sprite manages

Reimplemented from BgmapSprite.

Definition at line 115 of file MBgmapSprite.c.

# releaseTexture()

void MBgmapSprite::releaseTexture ( )

Release the sprite's texture(s)

Reimplemented from Sprite.

Definition at line 77 of file MBgmapSprite.c.

# setMultiframe()

void MBgmapSprite::setMultiframe ( uint16 frame)

Set the current multiframe.

frameCurrent animation frame

Reimplemented from BgmapSprite.

Definition at line 253 of file MBgmapSprite.c.

# Member Data Documentation

# textures

VirtualList MBgmapSprite::textures

List of textures to display.

Definition at line 67 of file MBgmapSprite.h.

# textureXOffset

uint16 MBgmapSprite::textureXOffset

Cache of the first texture x offest to speed up rendering.

Definition at line 70 of file MBgmapSprite.h.

# textureYOffset

uint16 MBgmapSprite::textureYOffset

Cache of the first texture x offest to speed up rendering.

Definition at line 73 of file MBgmapSprite.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
  • VUEngine-Core/source/Component/VisualComponent/Sprite/BgmapSprite/MBgmapSprite/MBgmapSprite.h
  • VUEngine-Core/source/Component/VisualComponent/Sprite/BgmapSprite/MBgmapSprite/MBgmapSprite.c