ParticleSystem Class Reference

#include <ParticleSystem.h>

Inheritance diagram for ParticleSystem:

# Public Types

typedef const ParticleSystemSpec ParticleSystemROMSpec

# Public Member Functions

void constructor (const ParticleSystemSpec *particleSystemSpec, int16 internalId, const char *const name)
override void show ()
 Make this instance visible.
override void hide ()
 Make this instance invisible.
override void update ()
 Update this instance's logic.
override void suspend ()
 Prepare to suspend this instance's logic.
override void resume ()
 Prepare to resume this instance's logic.
override void setTransparency (uint8 transparency)
override void setSpec (void *particleSystemSpec)
void start ()
 Start spawning particles.
void pause ()
 Pause the spawning of particles.
void unpause ()
 Resume the spawning of particles.
bool isPaused ()
void deleteAllParticles ()
 Delete all spawned particles.
void setLoop (bool loop)
bool getLoop ()
void setSelfDestroyWhenDone (bool selfDestroyWhenDone)
void setElapsedTime (uint32 elapsedTime)
void print (int16 x, int16 y)
virtual void particleSpawned (Particle particle)
virtual void particleRecycled (Particle particle)

# Protected Attributes

VirtualList particles
 Linked list of particles.
Vector3D spawnPositionDisplacement
 Range for random displacement upon particle spawning.
Vector3D spawnForceDelta
uint32 elapsedTime
 Elapsed time per tick.
int32 nextSpawnTime
 Time when the next particle has to be spawned.
int8 numberOfVisualComponentSpecs
 Number of available visual component specs for particles.
int8 numberOfWireframeSpecs
 Number of available wireframes specs for particles.
int8 aliveParticlesCount
 Number of alive particles.
int8 totalSpawnedParticles
 Counter of total spawned particles.
uint8 maximumNumberOfAliveParticles
 Maximum number of alive particles at any given moment.
bool paused
 Flag to pause the generation of particles.
bool loop
bool selfDestroyWhenDone
bool applyForceToParticles
 Flag to prevent computing force when not necessary.

# Additional Inherited Members

- Private Types inherited from Actor
typedef const ActorSpec ActorROMSpec
typedef const PositionedActor PositionedActorROMSpec
- Private Member Functions inherited from Actor
void constructor (const ActorSpec *actorSpec, int16 internalId, const char *const name)
override bool onEvent (ListenerObject eventFirer, uint16 eventCode)
override void createComponents (ComponentSpec **componentSpecs)
override void destroyComponents ()
 Destroy the components that attach to this actor.
override void calculateSize ()
 Configure the actor's size.
override fixed_t getRadius ()
override uint32 getInGameType ()
override void ready (bool recursive)
override void handleCommand (int32 command, va_list args)
override bool handlePropagatedString (const char *string)
const ActorSpecgetSpec ()
ActorFactory getActorFactory ()
Actor spawnChildActor (const PositionedActor *const positionedActor)
void addChildActors (const PositionedActor *childrenSpecs)
void addChildActorsDeferred (const PositionedActor *childrenSpecs)
fixed_t getWidth ()
fixed_t getHeight ()
fixed_t getDepth ()
bool isInCameraRange (int16 padding, bool recursive)
void playAnimation (const char *animationName)
void pauseAnimation (bool pause)
void stopAnimation ()
 Stop any playing animation if any.
bool isPlaying ()
bool isPlayingAnimation (char *animationName)
const char * getPlayingAnimationName ()
void setActualFrame (int16 frame)
void nextFrame ()
 Skip the currently playing animation to the next frame.
void previousFrame ()
 Rewind the currently playing animation to the previous frame.
int16 getActualFrame ()
int32 getNumberOfFrames ()
virtual void setExtraInfo (void *extraInfo)
virtual bool alwaysStreamIn ()
- Static Private Member Functions inherited from Actor
static Actor createActor (const PositionedActor *const positionedActor, int16 internalId)
static Actor createActorDeferred (const PositionedActor *const positionedActor, int16 internalId)
static RightBox getRightBoxFromSpec (const PositionedActor *positionedActor, const Vector3D *environmentPosition)
static bool isInsideFrustrum (Vector3D vector3D, RightBox rightBox)
- Private Attributes inherited from Actor
Size size
ActorFactory actorFactory
 Factory to create this actor's children.
const ActorSpecactorSpec
 Pointer to the spec that defines how to initialize the actor.
const char * playingAnimationName

# Detailed Description

Class ParticleSystem

Inherits from Actor

Implements an actor that generates particles.

Definition at line 90 of file ParticleSystem.h.

# Member Typedef Documentation

# ParticleSystemROMSpec

A ParticleSystem spec that is stored in ROM

Definition at line 79 of file ParticleSystem.h.

# Member Function Documentation

# constructor()

void ParticleSystem::constructor ( const ParticleSystemSpec * particleSystemSpec,
int16 internalId,
const char *const name )

Class' constructor

particleSystemSpecSpecification that determines how to configure the particle system
internalIdID to internally identify this instance
nameInstance's name

Definition at line 36 of file ParticleSystem.c.

# deleteAllParticles()

void ParticleSystem::deleteAllParticles ( )

Delete all spawned particles.

Definition at line 346 of file ParticleSystem.c.

# getLoop()

bool ParticleSystem::getLoop ( )

Check the looping behavior of the particle system.

False if the spawning or particles stops once the total number of spawned particles equals the maximum number of alive particles

Definition at line 365 of file ParticleSystem.c.

# hide()

void ParticleSystem::hide ( )

Make this instance invisible.

Reimplemented from Container.

Definition at line 103 of file ParticleSystem.c.

# isPaused()

bool ParticleSystem::isPaused ( )

Check if the spawning of particles is paused.

True if the spawning of particles is paused; false otherwise

Definition at line 339 of file ParticleSystem.c.

# particleRecycled()

void ParticleSystem::particleRecycled ( Particle particle)

Informs itself when a particle is recycled.

particleThe recycled particle

Definition at line 405 of file ParticleSystem.c.

# particleSpawned()

void ParticleSystem::particleSpawned ( Particle particle)

Informs itself when a particle is spawned.

particleThe newly spawned particle

Definition at line 400 of file ParticleSystem.c.

# pause()

void ParticleSystem::pause ( )

Pause the spawning of particles.

Definition at line 319 of file ParticleSystem.c.

# print()

void ParticleSystem::print ( int16 x,
int16 y )

Print the particle system's status.

xScreen x coordinate where to print
yScreen y coordinate where to print

Definition at line 386 of file ParticleSystem.c.

# resume()

void ParticleSystem::resume ( )

Prepare to resume this instance's logic.

Reimplemented from Actor.

Definition at line 257 of file ParticleSystem.c.

# setElapsedTime()

void ParticleSystem::setElapsedTime ( uint32 elapsedTime)

Set the elapsed time between calls to the update method.

elapsedTimeElapsed time between calls to the update method

Definition at line 379 of file ParticleSystem.c.

# setLoop()

void ParticleSystem::setLoop ( bool loop)

Set the looping behavior of the particle system.

loopIf false, the spawning or particles stops once the total number of spawned particles equals the maximum number of alive particles

Definition at line 358 of file ParticleSystem.c.

# setSelfDestroyWhenDone()

void ParticleSystem::setSelfDestroyWhenDone ( bool selfDestroyWhenDone)

Set the particle system to auto destroy or not when the total number of spawned particles equals the maximum number of alive particles.

selfDestroyWhenDoneIf true, the particle system auto destroys when the total number of spawned particles equals the maximum number of alive particles.

Definition at line 372 of file ParticleSystem.c.

# setSpec()

void ParticleSystem::setSpec ( void * particleSystemSpec)

Set the particle systems's spec.

particleSystemSpecSpecification that determines how to configure the particle system

Reimplemented from Actor.

Definition at line 296 of file ParticleSystem.c.

# setTransparency()

void ParticleSystem::setTransparency ( uint8 transparency)

Set this instance's transparency effects.


Reimplemented from Container.

Definition at line 279 of file ParticleSystem.c.

# show()

void ParticleSystem::show ( )

Make this instance visible.

Reimplemented from Container.

Definition at line 74 of file ParticleSystem.c.

# start()

void ParticleSystem::start ( )

Start spawning particles.

Definition at line 309 of file ParticleSystem.c.

# suspend()

void ParticleSystem::suspend ( )

Prepare to suspend this instance's logic.

Reimplemented from Actor.

Definition at line 238 of file ParticleSystem.c.

# unpause()

void ParticleSystem::unpause ( )

Resume the spawning of particles.

Definition at line 326 of file ParticleSystem.c.

# update()

void ParticleSystem::update ( )

Update this instance's logic.

Reimplemented from Container.

Definition at line 125 of file ParticleSystem.c.

# Member Data Documentation

# aliveParticlesCount

int8 ParticleSystem::aliveParticlesCount

Number of alive particles.

Definition at line 117 of file ParticleSystem.h.

# applyForceToParticles

bool ParticleSystem::applyForceToParticles

Flag to prevent computing force when not necessary.

Definition at line 137 of file ParticleSystem.h.

# elapsedTime

uint32 ParticleSystem::elapsedTime

Elapsed time per tick.

Definition at line 105 of file ParticleSystem.h.

# loop

bool ParticleSystem::loop

If false, the spawning or particles stops once the total number of spawned particles equals the maximum number of alive particles

Definition at line 130 of file ParticleSystem.h.

# maximumNumberOfAliveParticles

uint8 ParticleSystem::maximumNumberOfAliveParticles

Maximum number of alive particles at any given moment.

Definition at line 123 of file ParticleSystem.h.

# nextSpawnTime

int32 ParticleSystem::nextSpawnTime

Time when the next particle has to be spawned.

Definition at line 108 of file ParticleSystem.h.

# numberOfVisualComponentSpecs

int8 ParticleSystem::numberOfVisualComponentSpecs

Number of available visual component specs for particles.

Definition at line 111 of file ParticleSystem.h.

# numberOfWireframeSpecs

int8 ParticleSystem::numberOfWireframeSpecs

Number of available wireframes specs for particles.

Definition at line 114 of file ParticleSystem.h.

# particles

VirtualList ParticleSystem::particles

Linked list of particles.

Definition at line 95 of file ParticleSystem.h.

# paused

bool ParticleSystem::paused

Flag to pause the generation of particles.

Definition at line 126 of file ParticleSystem.h.

# selfDestroyWhenDone

bool ParticleSystem::selfDestroyWhenDone

If true, the particle system auto destroys when the total number of spawned particles equals the maximum number of alive particles

Definition at line 134 of file ParticleSystem.h.

# spawnForceDelta

Vector3D ParticleSystem::spawnForceDelta

Range for random force delta to be adde to the force applied to newly spawned particles

Definition at line 102 of file ParticleSystem.h.

# spawnPositionDisplacement

Vector3D ParticleSystem::spawnPositionDisplacement

Range for random displacement upon particle spawning.

Definition at line 98 of file ParticleSystem.h.

# totalSpawnedParticles

int8 ParticleSystem::totalSpawnedParticles

Counter of total spawned particles.

Definition at line 120 of file ParticleSystem.h.

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