VSUManager Class Reference

#include <VSUManager.h>

Inheritance diagram for VSUManager:

# Public Types

enum  VSUSoundSourceTypes
enum  VSUPlaybackModes

# Public Member Functions

void playSounds (uint32 elapsedMicroseconds)
void reset ()
 Reset the manager's state.
void setMode (uint32 playbackMode)
void update ()
 Update the manager.
void stopAllSounds ()
 Stop all sound sources.
void enableQueue ()
 Enable queueing petitions to play sounds.
void disableQueue ()

# Static Public Member Functions

static void applySoundSourceConfiguration (const VSUSoundSourceConfiguration *vsuSoundSourceConfiguration)
static void applyPCMSampleToSoundSource (int8 sample)
static void stopSoundSourcesUsedBy (Object requester)
static uint32 getMode ()
static void print (int32 x, int32 y)
 Print the manager's status.
static void printWaveFormStatus (int32 x, int32 y)
 Print waveforms.

# Protected Attributes

VirtualList queuedVSUSoundSourceConfigurations
 List of queued sound source configurations.
VSUSoundSourceConfiguration vsuSoundSourceConfigurations [6]
 Mapping of VSU sound source configurations.
Waveform waveforms [5]
 Mapping of waveworms.
fix7_9_ext ticks
 Elapsed ticks.
uint32 targetPCMUpdates
 Target PCM cycles per game cycle.
uint32 playbackMode
 Playback mode.
bool allowQueueingSoundRequests
bool haveUsedSoundSources
 Flag to skip sound source releasing if not necessary.
bool haveQueuedRequests
 Flag to skip pending sound source dispatching if not necessary.

# Additional Inherited Members

- Private Member Functions inherited from Object
void constructor ()
 Class' constructor.
const void * getVTable ()
bool mutateTo (const void *targetClass)
- Static Private Member Functions inherited from Object
static Object getCast (void *object, ClassPointer targetClassGetClassMethod, ClassPointer baseClassGetClassMethod)
- Private Attributes inherited from Object
void * vTable
 Pointer to the class's virtual table.

# Detailed Description

Class VSUManager

Inherits from Object

Manages the VSU.

Definition at line 156 of file VSUManager.h.

# Member Enumeration Documentation

# VSUPlaybackModes

Playback types

Definition at line 47 of file VSUManager.h.

# VSUSoundSourceTypes

Sound source types

Definition at line 38 of file VSUManager.h.

# Member Function Documentation

# applyPCMSampleToSoundSource()

static void VSUManager::applyPCMSampleToSoundSource ( int8 sample)

Apply a sound source configuration to a VSU sound source with the provided data for PCM playback.

samplePCM sample data

# applySoundSourceConfiguration()

static void VSUManager::applySoundSourceConfiguration ( const VSUSoundSourceConfiguration * vsuSoundSourceConfiguration)

Apply a sound source configuration to a VSU sound source with the provided data.

vsuSoundSourceConfigurationVSU sound source configuration

Definition at line 51 of file VSUManager.c.

# disableQueue()

void VSUManager::disableQueue ( )

Disable queueing petitions to play sounds (if there are no sound sources availables at the time of request, the petition is ignored).

Definition at line 350 of file VSUManager.c.

# enableQueue()

void VSUManager::enableQueue ( )

Enable queueing petitions to play sounds.

Definition at line 343 of file VSUManager.c.

# getMode()

static uint32 VSUManager::getMode ( )

Retriev the playback mode (stops any playing sound).

kPlaybackNative or kPlaybackPCM

Definition at line 96 of file VSUManager.c.

# playSounds()

void VSUManager::playSounds ( uint32 elapsedMicroseconds)

Play the allocated sounds.

elapsedMicrosecondsElapsed time between call

# print()

static void VSUManager::print ( int32 x,
int32 y )

Print the manager's status.

Definition at line 105 of file VSUManager.c.

# printWaveFormStatus()

static void VSUManager::printWaveFormStatus ( int32 x,
int32 y )

Print waveforms.

Definition at line 134 of file VSUManager.c.

# reset()

secure void VSUManager::reset ( )

Reset the manager's state.

Definition at line 198 of file VSUManager.c.

# setMode()

secure void VSUManager::setMode ( uint32 playbackMode)

Set the playback mode (stops any playing sound).

playbackModekPlaybackNative or kPlaybackPCM

Definition at line 281 of file VSUManager.c.

# stopAllSounds()

secure void VSUManager::stopAllSounds ( )

Stop all sound sources.

Definition at line 321 of file VSUManager.c.

# stopSoundSourcesUsedBy()

static void VSUManager::stopSoundSourcesUsedBy ( Object requester)

Stop sound output in the sound sources in use by the requester object.

requesterObject using a sound source

Definition at line 78 of file VSUManager.c.

# update()

secure void VSUManager::update ( )

Update the manager.

Definition at line 304 of file VSUManager.c.

# Member Data Documentation

# allowQueueingSoundRequests

bool VSUManager::allowQueueingSoundRequests

If false and if there are no sound sources availables at the time of request, the petition is ignored

Definition at line 180 of file VSUManager.h.

# haveQueuedRequests

bool VSUManager::haveQueuedRequests

Flag to skip pending sound source dispatching if not necessary.

Definition at line 186 of file VSUManager.h.

# haveUsedSoundSources

bool VSUManager::haveUsedSoundSources

Flag to skip sound source releasing if not necessary.

Definition at line 183 of file VSUManager.h.

# playbackMode

uint32 VSUManager::playbackMode

Playback mode.

Definition at line 176 of file VSUManager.h.

# queuedVSUSoundSourceConfigurations

VirtualList VSUManager::queuedVSUSoundSourceConfigurations

List of queued sound source configurations.

Definition at line 161 of file VSUManager.h.

# targetPCMUpdates

uint32 VSUManager::targetPCMUpdates

Target PCM cycles per game cycle.

Definition at line 173 of file VSUManager.h.

# ticks

fix7_9_ext VSUManager::ticks

Elapsed ticks.

Definition at line 170 of file VSUManager.h.

# vsuSoundSourceConfigurations

VSUSoundSourceConfiguration VSUManager::vsuSoundSourceConfigurations[6]

Mapping of VSU sound source configurations.

Definition at line 164 of file VSUManager.h.

# waveforms

Waveform VSUManager::waveforms[5]

Mapping of waveworms.

Definition at line 167 of file VSUManager.h.

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