Usage with other libraries

Although VUEngine Studio has been tailor-made to work with VUEngine, you can also use it with any other library. Sans the VUEngine-specific features, of course, unless you explicitly add support.

In the following, as an example, it is described how to use VUEngine Studio with libgccvb.

  1. Download libgccvb from GitHub and unzip. This version of libgccvb ships with a makefile that is compatible with VUEngine Studio calling conventions.
  2. Change the engine path setting build.engine.core.path to the location of libgccvb, e.g. /Users/user/dev/libgccvb.
  3. Profit! You can now build your libgccvb-based project (e.g. libgccvb-Barebone) through VUEngine Studio’s build system.