Game Logic
# Update
Most likely, any game will run inside an infinite loop that starts after some previous initialization and that only breaks when the program is going to finish. VUEngine games work the same, but the loop where the actual game’s logic runs (not to confuse it with the loop that the engine’s core runs in as part of the cycle that loops over the engine’s subsystems like physics simulations, rendering, etc.) is implemented as an iterative call to the VUEngine instance’s current GameState’s update method, which in turn calls GameState::execute for the game to implement custom logic that gets processed in each game cycle.
The GameState::update method calls Stage::update
on its Stage’s instance, which in turn forwards that call to its children’s implementation of that method:
void SomeActor::update()
Rotation localRotation = this->localTransformation.rotation;
localRotation.z += __I_TO_FIXED(1);
SomeActor::setLocalRotation(this, &localRotation);
You have to provide to the engine at least one instance of a class deriving from GameState. And most likely than not, it will override the execute method to implement the game’s specific logic.
void SomeGameState::execute(void* owner __attribute__((unused)))
Base::execute(this, owner);
// Do interesting stuff
By overriding the execute method, the SomeGameState::execute
method in the above example will be called once per game frame from the moment that the VUEngine instance’s StateMachine enters that state.
# Actor initialization
The instantiation and initialization of Actor instances comprises, among other phases, the attachment of Components to them. To prevent CPU usage spikes during the instantiation of complex Actors, Stages can be configured to defer the attachment of Components over time, therefore, Actors are not necesarilly ready to be manipulated after their construction. But in many circumstances, it is necessary to execute some processes when an Actor is ready after initialization and before it starts to be updated. The engine calls the virtual method Actor::ready
when the initialization is complete so the client code can perform custom procedures on it. The method’s signature to override it is:
/// Make the localized actor ready to start operating once it has been completely intialized.
/// @param recursive: If true, the ready call is propagated to its children, grand children, etc.
override void ready(bool recursive);
The override must always call the base’s implementation.