
Sprites already help to avoid mixing data with game logic with hardware management, but they are still somehow “low level” objects. Games are not composed of Sprites, but of game objects, some of which have a visual representation, some of which don’t (a trigger, for example).

VUEngine implements Stages as dynamic collections of a specific type of Entity: Actors. Since the Virtual Boy’s CPU lacks data cache, the penalty for having to dereference pointers instead of indexing fixed arrays is not big enough to give up the generality that the use of lists affords.

# Entity

An Entity is a ListenerObject, so it can send and receive messages and it can listen for and fire events. It adds to it a 3D Transformation, which describes a position, a rotation (euclidean only) and a scale in 3D space, and declares and implements some methods that operate on that Transformation. Finally, it supports the attachment of Components to it. Components can be visual components, like Sprites and Wireframes; behavioral components, like steering behaviors; mutators; physical components or collision components.

The Entity class is abstract, therefore there can not be pure instances of it.

# Container

Containers are a special type of Entity that implements parenting by adding a local Transformation relative to that of a parent Container. They are the means by which the engine implements the composite pattern.

Containers can have children Containers, grandchildren Containers, grand-grandchildren Containers, etc.

The engine takes care of keeping up to date the ContainersTransformation by concatenating their local Transformation to their reference environment, which is the global Transformation of the parent Container.

Containers can forward or block the flow of logic towards their children. They can propagate messages to them too.

Containers are abstract, so they are not used nor instantiated directly.

# Stage

At the root of the hierarchy of Containers, sits an instance of the Stage class. A Stage is the first type of Container that can be instantiated. It only allows instances of another specific type of Container as children: Actors. The Stage implements the logic to stream in and out Actors and is the proxy through which the GameState accesses the Actors in a game level.

The Stage takes a StageSpec in its constructor to initialize itself. Among a lot of other things, it has an array of ActorSpecs that determine the Actors that will populate the Stage:

PositionedActorROMSpec StageActorsSpecs[] =
    {&ActorSpec,            {0, 64, 0}, {0, 0, 0}, {1, 1, 1},  0, NULL, NULL, NULL, false},
    {&BoxActorSpec,         {150, 64, 0}, {0, 0, 0}, {1, 1, 1},  0, NULL, NULL, NULL, false},
    {&CogWheelActorSpec,    {-150, 64, 0}, {0, 0, 0}, {1, 1, 1},  0, NULL, NULL, NULL, false},

    {NULL, {0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0}, {1, 1, 1}, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, false},
StageROMSpec ActorsStageSpec =
    // Class allocator

    // Timer config

    // Sound config

    // General stage's attributes
        // Stage's size in pixels
            // x, y, z
            8191, __SCREEN_HEIGHT, 8191,

        // Camera's initial position inside the stage
            // x, y, z, p
            0, 0, 0, 0

        // Camera's frustum
            // x0, y0, z0
            0, 0, -10,
            // x1, y1, z1
            __SCREEN_WIDTH, __SCREEN_HEIGHT, 4096

    // Streaming

    // Rendering

    // Physical world's properties

    // Assets
        // Fonts to preload
        (FontSpec**)ActorsStageFondSpecs ,

        // CharSets to preload

        // Textures to preload

        // Sounds to load

    // Actors
        // UI configuration

        // Stage's children actors

    // Post processing effects

# Actor

Actors are the basic unit of game logic in VUEngine projects. They are special Containers that can be streamed in and out of Stages automatically or manually. They are configured by providing an ActorSpec that specifies, among other things, which components to attach to them when instantiated:

ComponentSpec* const BoxActorComponentSpecs[] =

ActorROMSpec BoxActorSpec =
    // Class allocator

    // Component specs

    // Children specs

    // Extra info

    // Size
    // If 0, it is computed from the visual components if any
    {0, 0, 0},

    // Actor's in-game type

    // Pointer to animation functions array

    // Animation to play automatically

Actors can be instantiated and added to the Stage programmatically, that is to say that it is not mandatory to provide their specs in advance as part of the list of ActorSpecs defined in the StageSpec.

To add Actors to the Stage programmatically, the following method can be used:

extern ActorSpec ActorSpec;

PositionedActor positionedActor =
    &ActorSpec, {0, 64, 16}, {0, 0, 0}, {1, 1, 1},  0, "Moe", NULL, NULL, false

Stage::spawnChildActor(this->stage, (const PositionedActor* const)&positionedActor, false);

Actors can be added dynamically to other Actors too:

extern ActorSpec ActorSpec;

PositionedActor positionedActor =
    {0, 0, 0},
    {0, 0, 0},
    {1, 1, 1},

Actor::spawnChildActor(actor, &positionedActor);

Just as Actors can but should not be instantiated directly, but through the shown methods, they should not be destroyed directly either, or the program’s behavior becomes undefined. Instead, a special method that is safe has to be used:

if(NULL != childActor)

The game logic should always manipulate Actors and not Sprites, Textures or CharSets. There are applications for those, like implementing special effects or managing a global image, maybe to save on performance. But in general, Actors are the main citizens in VUEngine based games.

You acquire a direct reference to a newly spawned Actor when using the above methods:

* This is how we add actors to the Stage. Notice that we don't creates Sprites nor animate them
* directly anymore. Now, the engine takes care of all that by reading the ActorSpec.
Actor actor =
        Stage::spawnChildActor(this->stage, (const PositionedActor* const)&positionedActor, false)

Or you acquire it indirectly if the Actor is being added automatically by the Stage’s streaming as specified in the StageSpec:

Actor childActor = Actor::safeCast(Stage::getChildByName(this->stage, "ChildActorName", false));

Then you can move around the Actor, rotate it, etc., and all its components will take care of keeping their states in sync with the Actor.

    Vector3D translation = Vector3D::zero();
    Rotation localRotation = *Actor::getLocalRotation(actor);

    translation.x = __PIXELS_TO_METERS(1);
    localRotation.y = __I_TO_FIX10_6(255);

    // Add a translation to the leader actor
    Actor::translate(actor, &translation);

    // Make it to face left or right by rotating it around its Y axis
    Actor::setLocalRotation(actor, &localRotation);

The Actor has helper methods to propagate calls related to animations, like play, pause, stop, etc., to the attached VisualComponents. This class basically facades the interactions to control Sprites’ animations.

/// Play the animation with the provided name.
/// @param animationName: Name of the animation to play
void playAnimation(const char* animationName);

/// Pause or unpause the currently playing animation if any.
/// @param pause: Flag that signals if the animation must be paused or unpaused
void pauseAnimation(bool pause);

/// Stop any playing animation if any.
void stopAnimation();

/// Check if an animation is playing.
/// @return True if an animation is playing; false otherwise
bool isPlaying();

/// Check if the animation whose name is provided is playing.
/// @param animationName: Name of the animation to check
/// @return True if an animation is playing; false otherwise
bool isPlayingAnimation(char* animationName);

/// Retrieve the animation function's name currently playing if any
/// @return Animation function's name currently playing if any
const char* getPlayingAnimationName();

/// Skip the currently playing animation to the provided frame.
/// @param frame: The frame of the playing animation to skip to
/// @return True if the actual frame was changed; false otherwise
void setActualFrame(int16 frame);

/// Skip the currently playing animation to the next frame.
void nextFrame();

/// Rewind the currently playing animation to the previous frame.
void previousFrame();

/// Retrieve the actual frame of the playing animation if any.
/// @return Actual frame of the playing animation if any
int16 getActualFrame();

/// Retrieve the number of frames in the currently playing animation if any.
/// @return The numer of frames if an animation is playing; o otherwise
int32 getNumberOfFrames();

When you have an Actor with a Body attached to it, you can apply forces to it to move it using physics simulations:

Vector3D force = Vector3D::zero();

force.x = Body::getMass(Actor::getBody(actor)) << 1;

Actor::applyForce(actor, &force, true);

# ParticleSystem

ParticleSystems are a specific kind of Actor whose purpose is to instantiate a peculiar kind of Entity: Particles.

As is the case with any Actor, components can be attached to ParticleSystems and they have their own Spec that adds a few attributes to control how Particles are generated:

ParticleSystemROMSpec SomeParticleSystemNormalSpec =
    // EntitySpec

    // reuse expired particles?

    // minimum generation delay in milliseconds
    5 * 8 * 20 / 8,

    // maximum generation delay in milliseconds
    5 * 8 * 20 / 6,

    // maximum number of alive particles

    // maximum number of particles to spawn in each cycle

    // array of visual component specs
    (const ComponentSpec**)SomeSpriteSpecs,

    // array of physics component specs
    (const ComponentSpec**)NULL,

    // array of collider component specs
    (const ComponentSpec**)NULL,

    // auto start

    // particle spec

    // minimum relative spawn position (x, y, z)

    // maximum relative spawn position (x, y, z)

    // minimum force to apply (x, y, z)
    // (use int values in the spec to avoid overflow)
    {__F_TO_FIXED(0), __F_TO_FIXED(0), 0},

    // maximum force to apply (x, y, z)
    // (use int values in the spec to avoid overflow)
    {__F_TO_FIXED(0), __F_TO_FIXED(0), 0},


# Particle

Particles are a kind of lightweight, reusable Entity, that are instantiated by ParticleSystems. They don’t exist in the Stage as children of it, although they can interact with other Actors by means of collisions.

Particles manage their components in a more specific and constrained way than Actors in order to be as performant as possible, to reduce their memory footprint and to make it possible their reutilization to avoid the overhead of constantly creating and destroying them.

ParticleROMSpec SomeParticleSpec =
    // Class allocator

    // Minimum life span in milliseconds
    5 * 8 * 20,

    // Life span delta in milliseconds

    // Function pointer to control particle's behavior

    // Array of available animations
    (const AnimationFunction**)&SomeAnimationSpecs,

    // Animation to play automatically

    // animation to play upon collision

    // object's in-game type

Particles can have physics applied to them and they can even collide with other Entities in a Stage.