User Input
User input is read by the KeypadManager class’ instance and the engine takes on the duty of notifying the current GameState about changes to the user input by calling GameState::processUserInput
In order to react to the actions of the user, the GameStates that implement the logic of the specific game must provide a custom implementation of the processUserInput
void SomeGameState::processUserInput(const UserInput* userInput)
Base::processUserInput(this, userInput);
The UserInput struct, passed as a pointer to the GameState and is valid during the current game frame. It has the following members:
/// User's input
/// @memberof KeypadManager
typedef struct UserInput
/// All pressed key(s)
uint16 allKeys;
/// Pressed key(s) just in the last cycle
uint16 pressedKey;
/// Released key(s) just in the last cycle
uint16 releasedKey;
/// Held key(s)
uint16 holdKey;
/// How long the key(s) have been held (in game frames)
uint32 holdKeyDuration;
/// Previously pressed key(s)
uint16 previousKey;
/// Low power flag
uint16 powerFlag;
/// Dummy input to force user input processing even if
/// there is not a real one
uint16 dummyKey;
} UserInput;